Expert for glass constructions,

officially appointed and sworn by

the Dresden Chamber of Commerce

and Industry, Germany


Mr. Torsten Bannert, Cert. Eng.





The Glass Construction Expert is appointed and sworn to survey and assess all glass- constructions,


structures and glass construction components. Such can include for example: green houses, roofing

elements, light domes, wallings, doors, staircases, facades, winter gardens, balustrades, noise-

control- and fire-protection glazing.


Glass construction is a division of ‘Constructional Engineering and the Statical Surveying of Building

Constructions’. ‘Construction and Statical Engineering ‘and includes knowledge and skills for the

planning of load-bearing supportive structures (building-construction statics and -dynamics),

general building construction, building construction materials, civil engineering and foundation-/

footings engineering as well as building constructional physics. The Expert is competent for con-

structional-stability, interpretation and design.


The Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry, being a public-law institution has examined my

professional knowledge and skills pursuant to Art. 36 of the ‘Gewerbeordnung’ (Legislative

Ordinance governing tradesmen) of the German Federal Free State of Saxony. The technical body

for ‘Constructive Engineering’ has examined my specialised technical qualifications. The

qualifications include above-average technical knowledge, skills and experience in the area of glass

constructional work.

The fulfilling of my professional duties is monitored by the Chamber.


The licensed logo employed: ‘Zeichen fuer Sachverstand’ (Sign of Technical Skills and Knowledge)

was developed by the appointing bodies (architects, chambers of commerce, etc.) together with

the German ‘IfS - Institut fuer Sachverstaendigenwesen’ (Institute for Appointed Experts). The

‘eye’, the ‘inferred seal’ and the ‘symmetrical blue semicircle’, refer to: the analysing- surveying

and assessment-skills and the objectivity of an expert.




The official public appointment and the placing under oath of the expert is undertaken by the


Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry in conjunction with the Association of Engineers-

and the Association of Architects of the German Federal Free State of Saxony.


The oath sworn pursuant to Art. 5 of the ‘SVO – Sachverstaendigenordnung’ (Ordinance governing

experts) of the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry, includes:

- the fulfilment of the official assignments of an appointed and sworn expert, independently,

   unsupervised, personally, conscientiously, impartially; and

- to provide the required expertises in accordance with best knowledge and belief.

Under Art. 5, Para. 5of the foregoing ‘SVO’ – Ordinance governing experts, the act of swearing by

the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents a general oath within the meaning of

the statutory requirements of Art. 79, Para. 3 of the German Federal ‘Strafprozessordnung’

(Criminal Law Code) and Art. 410, Para. 2 of the ‘Zivilprozessordnung’ (Civil Proceedings Order) of

the German Federal Free State of Saxony.




The activities and assignments are:


- expertises for courts of law, the authorities, business, trade and industry, and for the general

  public domain;

- consultancy, surveillance, inspections and the issuing of official certifications;

- the surveying- and assessment of building construction projects on existing building structures;

- statical engineering assignments.


All expertises provided by me are made understandable fur laymen and verifiable by specialised


Assignments can also be adopted from outside of the territory for which the Dresden Chamber of

Commerce and Industry is responsible.




Torsten Bannert


Post-Strasse 26

D-01159 Dresden



Mobile Tel. No.:

Landline Tel. No.:

Fax No.:

Email address:

Website URL:


0049 160 4951116

0049 351 42442500

0049 351 42442501






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